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Frequently Asked Questions

People always have lots of questions for me about massage.
What should I wear, will it hurt, how long should I book for. Hopefully many of those are answered here. If not drop me a message on Facebook or an email. 


What should I expect from my first session?

When you arrive I go though an assessment form to get to know a little about your current complaint, your lifestyle, health and anything else that might be relevant to the session.


I may then ask you to perform some simple movements. These can include moving your arms above your head, bending to touch your toes or raising your knees. I'll be keeping an eye on how your muscles move and respond to devise the best treatment plan for you. Don't worry though, I'll explain everything as I go.


I'll then allow you to change for the treatment. Once we've started I will check the pressure is ok, and may ask for feedback from you whilst working on particular areas.

Once the treatment is complete we will discuss how you're feeling, I may ask you to repeat the movements from the beginning to see any changes. If relevant I'll give you some exercises and stretches before we sort payment and, if relevant, book another session.

What should I wear?

It's handy for you to be in loose fitting and comfortable clothes. Ideally it's best for you to be in shorts and a vest or tshirt.

How should I prepare for my first treatment?

It's handy for you to be in loose fitting and comfortable clothes and for you to give some thought to the pain you're having, when it occurs, if it ever feels better or worse.  



Do you do home visits?

Yes, these are charged at an additional £3 per appointment.

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